You never know what life will bring, you know? Just the other night we were lying in bed and I said to Ryan, "Did you ever think when we were dating that six years from then we'd be living in Miami with a whole bunch of kids? And yeah, how did we suddenly get three kids anyway?" And as random as that is to me, I never thought we'd be living in Miami and have a huge group of amazing friends. I actually still wonder why all these people live in Miami, ready to fall off the United States and be blown away by a hurricaine, but whatever; I'm just happy they do. This picture was a goodbye party for some friends who are moving to go start residency (and buy a house - no fair!), and it was just amazing to me to realize how many great people just show up for a random day at the park.
And it makes me realize how much I love friends. And how it's so weird that all of you that are my friends from all the different times and places of my life don't all know each other. And while I'm pretty good at keeping up friendships, I still always have this feeling that I wish I could carry you all around from place to place in my pocket and keep you with me. And you could all be friends with all the other awesome people I know. I could think of nothing better than just sitting around for days with all of my friends accumulated over the years, maybe renting a bunch of cabins somewhere, just talking, laughing, reminiscing, playing games. Perfect.
I think moving around so much has taught me how much I love friends. And living far away from family how much I've had to depend on friends and be our own little family-away-from-family. We've had amazing friends everywhere we've lived. I love friends that send me random emails. I love friends that mail me a package with plastic pink flamingos for no reason other than they thought about me. I love friends that have taught me how heartwarming it is to have other people love and take a vested interest in your kids. I love friends from growing up, from the probably 17 different places I lived during college, from a summer working in Glacier National Park, from Africa, from different places I've worked, from New York, from Wisconsin, from Miami, and from all the places in between.
You all make my life happy.