Friday, October 31, 2008


Do I look 'spensive???

Well, I am.

Meet the most expensive item of apparel I have ever owned: my new $460 Gucci sunglasses. At last, there is a perk from Ryan going into ophthalmology. I have always complained, because really, of all the specialties to go into, he chooses the one thing I have no issues with - eyes. In fact, he could have chosen anything from the neck down and I'm sure I could have found a use for it. But from the neck up, I am actually pretty intact. So at last - there is finally a bonus! Free glasses for the Mrs. And since my eyes are perfect, it's all for fashion.

And I love Ryan's new Prada glasses:

(Isn't he a handsome devil?? Here he is, buying our tickets home for Christmas!! HOORAY!)

Really, we feel a little silly saying my Prada or my Gucci glasses (ok, saying them and not implying my knock-offs). But apparently mine are a collector's piece, the guy told me, because the side part is custom-made or something. He said not to leave them lying around anywhere becuase they'd be snatched up in a second. Said they'd go for $600 anywhere else. But I'm not sure I believe him, because he didn't even have a shirt on (oh wait, wrong story).

Anyway, I hear they'll pair really well with my closet full of Target clothes....


Sarah Starr Alleman Smith said...

Sweet. You are oh, so, fashionable. I tried on Dave's loops and I look like a dork! I'll send you an email.

Rochelle said...

Seriously glam. And living in can wear them everyday and feel good about at least one thing you are wearing! You look great!

Melanie said...

That's awesome Jen!! Jed bought me a very very nice pair of sunglasses for chistmas and I love that Im the only one that knows how expensive they are. Its like I have something designer but Im not really showing off. But now you have to worry about them! The one down side to having nice things - other people want them.

Tanya said...

I'm jealous!

Kimi said...

Nice glasses. Jen, What are you feeding those babies! They are obese! Cash is too dang cute. I miss his shifty eyes.

LuAnn said...

oh you are so cool!

Anonymous said...

It's so fun to see Cash's perfectly formed little mouth on Ryan.

AnnaMarie said...

Ooh, you are fabulous.

Catherine Call said...

That is one MAJOR hook-up!! You look beautiful in them!