First up: invitations.
Those ninja eyes made for a great theme to base my decorations around. While I liked the look of this first invitation better, I didn't want the girls to think it was totally a boy party and so added in the only girl character on another invitation that I gave out to the girls:
I worked on all my designs and printables first so the next item up was:
Super awesome water bottles. I've never done the custom labels before and I have to say I might be a fan. Especially since this design looked so cool! I adapted it from a free handout from another awesome Ninjago party I saw here, resized it for the water bottles I had, and added this on the back based on another idea I saw somewhere else. Even the bar code had meaning. :)
To further the beverage coolness, I decided to make some "Ninja Boost Activator" for the kids to add to their water. Individual serving Crystal light packets covered with these labels made out of sticker paper (I use that stuff for everything). Man did the kids buy into this or what. It's been days and my kids still insist on drinking ninja juice every day as opposed to regular water.
Next up? Well....
I made 20 ninja masks. Now originally I made 16 - four in each of the colors of the Ninjagos - red, white, blue and black. And then thought better of it and made some pink ones for the girls, even though it went against the colors I was trying to stick with. I was glad I did though - I was pretty sad they were all gone at the end of the party! I hadn't had nearly enough running around my building like this. :) And while I have zero sewing skills, it really was just a matter of figuring out how to design and cut it (turned out two pieces looked better than one mask) and then I just hemmed down one side on each piece and sewed on the extra fabric for straps to tie in the back. Voila.
My nephews helped try them on when they were in town.
The swords (the ones pictured on me above) also took a little adjusting. When I bought them here, they were originally pictured with a strap which I was totally excited about. Ninjas have to wear their swords on their back to be ready for attack, of course. But alas, when I got them there was no strap and they said that must have been an old picture (and have since updated it). So I had some more engineering to figure out how to attach straps and sewed straps out of thick ribbon on all of them. I loved them. And even though I tried to make them so they were quite snug on me, it turns out kids really don't have a thick enough body to hold those on tight and still be big enough to get over their heads. Maybe some type of elastic material would have worked better, besides the fact that over one shoulder thing was way beyond any of them! And as I was jumping around the hallways of my building yelling as I drew my sword at people, it occurred to me that the 30" sword may even be too long for their 6 year-old arms to draw out of the sheath...and I was right. But it was still a great effect. And they loved them.
Then on to one of my favorite details!
My Ninjago suckers. I used Tootsie pops and covered them with crepe paper and then stuck on the ninja eyes also printed out on sticker paper. Used some double-sided tape here and there to make them look better. Loved them.
Next project was the take-home goody bags. Only with the Asian ninja flare.
Fortune cookies, martial arts arm bands, a cool looking roll of gum, a wall-walker (there were cool ninja ones but I couldn't find them in stock anywhere), and a couple ninjago stickers I had made out that I didn't really end up using. (There were also cool ninja band-aids I wanted to use but I couldn't find those in stock anywhere either). All packaged up in:
Chinese take-out boxes with ninja eyes.
Then came the food, as Ninjago-themed as I could come up with.

Of course the Asian theme couldn't do without some "sushi."
Rice krispie treats wrapped around Swedish fish or gummy candies and then wrapped with some fruit rolls. Huge hit with the kids.
Then there was the veggie tray:
The Ninjagos fight the snakes this year, so we went with a cucumber snake with extra carrot tongues you could even stick in your mouth and try yourself.
And of course Ninjago cupcakes.
While the prep all went well, I was super anxious about the weather. Living in an apartment is a big drag for having birthday parties because there is just no space for everyone. So we were having it out at the park by our house - a huge risk since notoriously, all my birthday parties get rained on. The party was Thursday night from 6-8 (since most of his friend's parents work). The first half of the week was beautiful. Gorgeous, pleasant evenings that weren't nearly as muggy as Miami can be in the summer. Then I heard the weatherman say, "but the last half of the week will be nothing like the first half." Oh great. But by Wednesday night and Thursday morning, it looked to be no threat of showers during party time, just HOT. Sure enough, the day looked beautiful, but the temperature was holding steady at a steamy 95 degrees by 6:30pm. And then, 20 minutes into the party we heard huge claps of thunder! We were so caught off guard - none of us had even seen anything coming. But it thundered and thundered and had us all so anxious that we were going to have to pack everything all up while getting dumped on in a mess of kids, food and all that party setup that we were fairly in panic mode and tried to speed up the party a bit in case we had to run for it. What do you know, but the first raindrop fell at 7:59pm. It was pretty miraculous for being surrounded by the constant rumble of thunder for an hour! So thank heavens it turned out well.
While I would have loved more tables, more space to have everything set up, a house where I could have everything set out in different areas so I wasn't trying to remember details all throughout the party, we did the best with what we had and it was a great time. My other favorite detail had to be these Chinese lanterns. I found these criss-cross paper lanterns here (along with a lot of my other party favors and decorations), which I thought looked even more like a ninja mask wrapped around their head. Again, sticker paper for the eyes. They're still hanging in our house and make me so happy.
I just read that you can put packing tape over your labels if you want them more waterproof. Might have been a good idea with the humidity here. And then ninja boost activated....
I had made some layered jello (lemon in the middle) named after Kai, the ninja of fire, but you can see the humidity turned these into more jello shooters than I had planned on. :)
After some food, we gave the ninja masks out to the kids.
And I loved the response to "show me your best ninja moves."
Then Sensei Wu stepped out for some ninja training. (Sadly the strap for the cute Sensei Wu beard I made broke right as Ryan put it on so he just wrapped the thing around his face however he could just to get it to stay).
Ninja swords were demonstrated and distributed. (Yeah, that takes some coordination even if you're 33.)
Attempted some instructions that ninjas don't hit other ninjas and to stay a good arm's distance away from each other...
And unleashed them on the enemy....
A couple of bop bags that I had gotten to give them something to unleash their 6 year-old sword-wielding fury on. (I thought it would have been fun to play the Ninjago theme song while they battled the bop bags but I didn't have anything that would have played it loud enough at the playground.)
And I'm pretty sure some people had to be cursing my name for giving a bunch of 6 year-olds swords on the playground!
Eh, you only turn 6 once.
Um, did someone forget I've been strapped in this stroller this whole time??
Um, yes. Yes, I did. Thank heavens he wasn't his usual fussy self for a little while so we could run a birthday party. No matter, he would still prove to be the most unwieldy of all with those ninja swords.
I will say things like this definitely make you wish you lived by family (and them glad you don't). But just for the sheer fact that who watches your kids while you make all the trips back and forth to the park taking all this stuff? Thank heavens for my neighbor Betsey. I would have been a disaster without her! Too bad I didn't get any pictures with her in it because she was behind my camera the whole time. We will be so devastated when they move away this summer. :( (And I keep saying I'll need a counselor. Who else will listen to all the unimportant details of my life that my husband has no interest in hearing or give me input as to which shade of red they like better on my ninja labels??)
I know this is a lot of detail for a party, but I sure poured over blogs looking for ideas, and I loved hearing the details!
Happy birthday Cash!! We love you!
I have finally got files up so you don't have to email me, so help yourself to any files you want (I also made an invitation with Lloyd since he wasn't around when we had our party, and a file with more party detail for those interested):
**If for some reason this doesn't work, don't leave a comment, just email me directly if you want me to send you anything. . I don't come back and check this post for comments and they don't come to my email.
I have finally got files up so you don't have to email me, so help yourself to any files you want (I also made an invitation with Lloyd since he wasn't around when we had our party, and a file with more party detail for those interested):
**If for some reason this doesn't work, don't leave a comment, just email me directly if you want me to send you anything. . I don't come back and check this post for comments and they don't come to my email.
Um, bravo. Can I give you a standing ovation? Seriously inspiring :)
so much fun! thanks for letting me help.
You are such a fun mom! Seriously a dream party for a 6 year old boy! He'll remember that forever. I am so glad you got so many pictures...all that work, you have to get pictures to remember how awesome everything looked. All those treats and food must have taken hours. It looked great! My favorite part. The sushi: Genius! And loved, loved the masks. I bet the kids just LOVED them! And I need to find this sticker paper. I've never used it and it looks amazing for party details! Great job! I hope you locked yourself in your room for a nap after it was all done!
I was just wondering if Cash had lost any more teeth. What a fun, fun party for everyone attending. I'm sure even Diesel enjoyed all that activity right around him.
AWESOME party! Well done. I'm now wondering if I can talk Jacob into a Ninjago party for his 8th birthday this year .....
Also, I save files of all my birthday parties. I just have a folder named "birthday parties" and then each party is it's own folder within it for all the printables, invites, etc. You never know when you may use them again or be able to share them with someone (you do have 4 boys!)
WOW Jen! Just please tell me how long all this took! Seriously when did you start. That is always my biggest challenge. How How HOW do you go about all this and oh yeah - take care of 4 boys! You could do this for a living some day! Party planner Jen.
FUH AN SEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your hired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes the sushi was genius! I love seeing peoples creativity.
You never cease to amaze me, Jen! Those treats are incredible!!!
My boys would of loved this party...SUPER COOL!!!
Jen you are amazing! I am sure Cash was in Heaven! Great Job! The sushi is awesome! I am totally going to steal this. Can I pretty please have your printable? My email is
This party was designed by a girl who, at age five, planned her own birthday party nine months in advance. She went downstairs, opened up the computer, and designed and printed out the invitations, as well! Because I sponsored such poor parties, she was obliged to figure out her own!
xoxo, Her Mother
Okay enough, Jen. (With regard to your comment on my post.) This has blown my superhero party out of the water. I did make card board masks for each of them to color. Other than are on their own. And why did I do juice boxes instead of water? Silly me. The cake is cute (green lantern), but beware...Trader Joe's cake mixes sure are good, but half the size. Hope they all get some. And hope I find time to blog about it!
My little one is wanting a ninjago party and I feel totally inept after seeing your amazing version! If you'd share your printables, I'd be forever indebted - my email is is so cute without those teefies too!
Totally awesome! Thanks for sharing all your ideas. Very creative. If you don't mind I would LOVE all your printables, as well. Also, what size lanterns did you use? Having a hard time find all 4 in one size. Do you have a pattern or measurements for the mask? Thanks!
Guessing you'll need an
Love this. How did you cut the masks.
Thank you for the great inspiration. I am planning a Ninjago party for my sons 5th B day next month. I have done a lot of research and i love your invite the best since i definately want to make all his girl friends feel included. Did i see that you sent someone the image to use. If you don't mind i would love if you could send me your invite and the ninjago eyes if you don't mind.
I really appreciate it -
Thank you!!!!
HOLY COW, jen! And I thought I was good at parties!!!
i'm so inspired to make this ninjago theme birthday party for my son who's turning 5 on September. It would be such a great blessing if you can share with me the templates you've used. you may e-mail it to me at
Thanks in advance and God bless you and your family. :)
I would love it if u would share the template for the eyes and the other things you used. Also where can I get yellow sticker paper to print the eyes.. Waiting to here from u
Your's is probably one of the best Ninjago parties I've seen. I started researching about a month ago for my son's 6th birthday party in November. We live in the Keys, so hopefully by November it'll be a little cooler outside. I have been looking everywhere for the Ninjago eyes and was hoping you would share yours?! If you wouldn't mind, please email Thanks!
I love your ideas! Nicely done. I have a son who will be turning 6 soon and this would be a dream party! Can you share the printable eyes? What size were the lanterns?
You have done such an amazing job, I have 3 boys that would absolutely LOVE!!!!! this party. What an inspiration you are! What a beautiful family you have
I am doing a party this Saturday but it won't be HALF as intense as this. I wish I knew how you made the ninja masks because the BOYS would LOVE THAT!!!!!! Awwww- GREAT JOB SUPERMOM. My hero! :-)
(next time, can you send ME an invite? I'm black but I can be an adopted part of the family!!)
Great party! I am doing the same theme for my son's party and was wondering if you would share the eyes printable and any others you had as well. I have looked everywhere for a printable for the eyes and cannot find one. Thanks in advance!
Wahooo que idea tan buena has tenido, te felicito....!!!
me copio las ideas para el cumplea~õs de mi hijo ..
Quedarâ fascinado!
Felicidades a tu hijo, seguro fué un cumpleaños inolvidable!
YOU are a ninja! What a great party! I haven't stopped by in a while and can't believe how big your boys are! And how beautiful you are. Good job, Mama!
Would you be willing to share your printables? My son's birthday party is in 3 days! I should have been working on this for months! TIA!!
Would you be willing to share your printables? My son's birthday party is in 3 days! I should have been working on this for months! TIA!!
Fantastic and it looks great. Would appreciate if you could share eyes and 2nd invitation. Also could I ask where you sourced the lanterns from please? Cheers, Brione
Fantastic and it looks great. Would appreciate if you could share eyes and 2nd invitation. Also could I ask where you sourced the lanterns from please? Cheers, Brione
I see a lot of people here love this just as much as I do! I am also after your printables.... eyes, water bottle and the "boost activator").... are you sharing your files? Let me know if you can soon - my ninja is turning 5 on the 11th.
oh, my email is - thanks a bunch!
Definately a great party, having the same theme here next week....wondering if I can jump on the bandwagona and get the printables too, many thanks!!!
I'm impressed! One of the best Ninjago parties I've seen. My son is requesting ninjago theme for his 8th birthday. I have been looking everywhere for the Ninjago eyes and was hoping you would share yours?! If you wouldn't mind, please email . Many thanks!
Can You Please Share Your Printables @
I am having a hard time finding a ninja mask pattern. Do you mind sharing your files for what you used for the printables and ninja mask? My soon to be six-year-old little man would be forever grateful!! Thank you so much!!! My email is
Love, love, love your ideas. Do you think you would mind sharing your printables with me. My Son's 6th birthday party is at the end of October and he loves Ninjago!
i have to hand it to you, great ninjago party! i loved the ninja mask, very cute. Would you be willing to share you printables, i have been searching the internet and yours are the best that i have seen. my email is thank you so much, and my little ninja thanks you too!
You did an amazing job! LOVE the sushi! Would you be willing to share your printables? My son's birthday party is in two weeks.. Thank you so much!!
This is awesome! Thank you for posting all your great ideas! My husband and I were just noting the similarities between your family and ours. We have a son who will be 6 next week and 3 year old identical twin boys. We are doing a Ninjago birthday party for our eldest as well and appreciate the time and work you put into this! Amazing!
My son is also dying to have a Ninjago birthday party for his 6th birthday. Would so appreciate you sharing your printables...specifically the invites, the eyes and the water labels. Wow! Very impressive! My email is Thanks so much,
I have been searching for months as well, are you sharing/selling your printables? My email is Thank you so much!
oh my son's birthday is coming up and is an absolute fan!
would it be possible to share the printables for your invite#2
forgot to include my email:, can't wait to hear from you about possibly sharing the printables
How did you attach the ribbon straps on the swords?
Can I get the pattern you used for the Ninjago masks? My nephew wants one for Christmas. Thanks!
Amazing party ideas! I would love your printables for the invitation and the eyes. Would you share? If so my email is
I love all the ideas for your party and am looking for a free downloadable invitation. I'd love to use your invitation printable. I only need 5! Would you share?
We are throwing a ninjango party for my soon to be 4 year old and your blog has helped me pull it all together. Would be great if you would share your printables and pattern for Ninja masks
I wished I would have read ALL the way through your post - it would have saved me time looking for printables! But of course, I didn't read all the way through and should have, because I could have EMAILED YOU DIRECTLY to get the printables-- oh well!
I ended up making my own invites, thank you's and edible cake image in very much the same way you did and they turned out great. Thanks for the inspiration, Isoms!
thank you so much for sharing your ninjago themed party! my son wants a ninjago party and when i started looking for party supplies, i found that they don't have any ninjago party supplies!
i love that you had a link to the paper lanterns...i'll be placing an order soon. i'm ordering the 10 in lanterns, is that the same size pictured on your blog?
i was wondering if you would be able to share with me how you made the ninja masks and the template to make the ninja eyes stickers? i would like to make masks for my son and his friends.
my email address is:
thank you so much for sharing this. i really do appreciate it and the wonderful things you created. it definely saves me hours of brainstorming.
thanks again,
This is simply amazing and inspiring! I am planning a Ninjago party for my son's 8th bday party in 2 weeks and was wondering if you could PLEASE share your printables with me????? I would be so so so grateful!!! :)
Thank you so much!!!
Could you please share your printables with me also? Thank you
WOW!!! You are an inspiration! I am planning a party for my 5y/o Kai wannabe and would be sooo grateful if you shared your printables. Where did you get the yellow sticker paper also?
Great job creating fantastic memories for Cash, hoping to do the same.
my email is
I love your ideas! I was scrolling through to see if you had a link to the printables & saw that several people had asked if you could email I'd like to ask as well...could you send the printables to me?
Also, do you have a picture or more specifics on the sword holders you made?
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Thank you for the ideas! If, by chance, you do send out the invitation file, I would love it. kthygerson(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you again!
Great party ideas!!! I am also looking for ninjago printables, can you please email me with the information on where i can find these. thanks!!
Great job and nice party. Will you also be able to share the file for the printables? Thank you
Fantastic party! So inspiring. My son just discovered Ninjago and would be over the moon with the theme for his 5th birthday. I loved all your ideas I'm jumping on the band wagon. Are you sharing your printable files?
I would love a copy of the printables as well
I would love to have the printable for the Ninja Boost Activator. Thank you so much!!
love these ideas. Could you share your printables....
I would love to use your printables for my sons party next month, if you wouldn't mind sharing my email is
Thank you!!
I would be so grateful if you could send me the printable for the water bottle and ninja juice. My son's birthday is next week. Thank you!
This is great! Would you mind sending me your printables if you are sharing? Thank you!
This is great! Would you mind sharing your printables? My email address is
I would LOVE your directions for the ninja masks for my granddaughter's party. Your whole party was just great. What fun memories you are creating for your children. My email is
Thank you in advance.
Wow, that's what I was seeking for, what a material! existing here at this website, thanks admin of this website.
Here is my webpage ... logo creation creative...awesome..very lucky birthday boy.
Can you email me the printables @
Thanks so much.
I know a lot of people have already asked but if you are sharing your printables and mask pattern I would love them! I am doing a Ninjago party for my son's 5th birthday.
Can u please tell me where you got labels for bottles and boxes andyhe invites? Thank u. U can email me at
Can I get copies of this as well? I will be happy to pay you as I know how much time this must have taken. Thanks!!!
I love your ideas! Super creative! My boys would love a Ninjago party. I would really appreciate any templates you're willing to share. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Thanks a bunch!
Such a great party. You did a fantastic job. I would love the printables if you dont mind sharing.
Thanks so much!!
I was worried when my stepson asked for a Ninjago birthday party, but when I found your blog I became happy that he did! What great ideas!! Would you mind sharing your printables or letting me know where I can find some? Thank you so much!!
My boy doesn't stop the Woow!!! with every picture of your Ninja go Party. He wants everything you post. I would really appreciate if you could share me your printables. Thank you so much!!!
This is Awesome!! What a wonderful birthday party.. Do you mind to share your printables at, thank you in advance.
Hi, your party looks awesome. My 6 year old's Ninjago party is next week. I would love the instructions on how you made your masks. I was just going to make headbands, but your masks look great. I am also curious as to where did you get the swords. I need to get 30 swords, but really don't want to spend a fortune. Thanks so much. Great job!
Guess you would need my email.
Thanks so much!
You are a wonderful and creative Mother! I am impressed. My son's birthday is coming up and I am requesting all the printables (especially for the invites, water bottles and "boosters"). Thank you kindly, Sarah
Keep up the great work and blog!
If I were a kid, I;d want you to be my mom! Bravo! And very kind of you to share your files. Wish I saw this before I rushed into making my invitations but at least I can use some of your files for the party preparation! Thank you sooo much!
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING IDEAS! No store has any party supplies! I have a new ninja to deal with the green one! But honestly thank you so much for lifting such a big weight off my shoulder! From no I CAN'T WAIT til the 28th!
Thank you so much for sharing all this. I just posted the details from my son's ninja party - your party (and printables) were are HUGE help!!!
What a great party!! I love your Ninja Masks!! My sister is planning a Ninjago party for my nephew’s 5th Birthday next month. We have been doing a lot of research and we love your. I am really hoping your are sharing some of your wisdom, I would love if you could send me your ninjago eyes if you don't mind, and specifically your design instructions for the ninja masks!
We would really appreciate it -
Thank you so much!!!!
Do you have a pattern or template you used for the masks? I really like your masks, but I am not a great seamstress.
Do you have a pattern or template you used for the masks? I really like your masks, but I am not a great seamstress.
Thanks for sharing the great ideas.
Thank you so much for sharing your party ideas. We recently moved and my time and tools for creativity are all boxed up. With your help I can still pull off my famous fun themed parties. I too left behind a great neighbor and wish she was still across the street to help me through this 6th party.
Wow...Superb party!! Brilliant decoration !!
I saw here, resized it for the water bottles I had, and added this on the back based on another idea I saw somewhere else.30th birthday ideas
What a great job!!! I live in Mexico and my son wants Ninjago for his 4th bday party and couldnt find anything! He is gonna love all the details!! Thank you so much, you make it look so easy but I am sure you put a lot of effort on it. Lets see how I do it! blessings!
Thank you so much for the printables! My son wanted a Ninjago party last year for his sixth birthday and I couldn't find any supplies at Party City, so I chose a different theme. One year later, he is STILL into Ninjago. Thanks to you, I'm going to be able to give him the party he wants!
I like your ninja party theme!! I also want to throw my birthday party but don’t have any good location. Actually I am looking for best penthouse in nyc. If you know, please recommend!!
Thank you for posting these files. We did a Ninjago Birthday party for my 8 year old and it was awesome!
Thanks again
Can you please send the printables! These are too cute!
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Wish You HAPPY B'DAY and your Blog All are very nice all pics are good specially two eyes or angry birds i don't know but really pics are very nice every where two eyes looking you and children are enjoying thanks for sharing.
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Daha fazla bilgi için, E-posta adresi:
I looked online finding all the perfect elements I wanted and became quite the Ninjago expert myself (these are Lego ninjas for those who don't ...
I just wanted to thank you!!! Thank you for being creative AND generous. Sharing your printables saved the day. I am not great with paper crafting and graphic layout stuff. I agreed to do a Ninjago party before I realized there is to a stitch of party ware to be found. I used your printables and tweaked it for a laser tag party. It came out great and I actually had fun doing it. Thanks again!
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I looked online finding all the perfect elements I wanted and became quite the Ninjago expert myself (these are Lego ninjas for those who don't ...
Nice post! Thanks for sharing your ideas about birthday theme party celebrations. PartyManao is your one-stop online party supplies and planners, organizers. Visit for your party planning needs.
Hello! I loved your Ninjago themed birthday and would like to do this for my son's 7th birthday in a week. I would like to get a copy of your templates you used. If you can, can you email them to me at thank you so much!
A HUGE thanks for putting your things one OneDrive!!! I am horrible at party planning!!! This was so incredibly helpful for my little one's fifth birthday!!! I'll let you know how it turns out!!!
Hi these are really great, seeing that you did this a couple of years ago and people are still asking/using your printables :)
May I know which font you used for the party printables? Having trouble finding a good one...
Thanks in advance!
Hello, thanks for sharing so many great ideas - we will be borrowing some of them in the next few weeks for my son's 5th birthday party. I'd also be really grateful if you could let me know the font you used and the type of frosting on top of the ninja cakes - was it just coloured butter icing?
Thanks for your help.
I am in love with this birthday party. Those Ninjago cake pops are looking fabulous. In general, this was an awesome party! Will like to have this theme for my son’s 6th birthday and thinking to celebrate at local party venue Houston in a grand manner.
Thank you for all of these great ideas and for posting your printables!! My girls' day is going to be made by these amazing creations!
Can you explain how you did the ninja eyes on the paper lanterns? Did you just print them onto sticker paper?
Thank you SO much for your free printables and ideas. You've pretty much did most of my work for me! Very much appreciated :-)
Thank you so much for sharing article.
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