Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mastitis. Woah.

Ok, this has completely knocked me on my butt this week. I got the works - fever, chills, achy, weak, headaches like you can't believe, and of course unimaginable boob pain. Seriously, after three months of this I'm still getting sore and having open wounds, I'm not even a great milk producer to begin with so we've started giving them a little formula a couple times a day after I nurse them anyway, and now mastitis? Why am I doing this? As I got out of the shower this morning and was shaking my head as I looked down at the sad condition of my boobs I had to laugh as the first thing that came into my mind was the song "Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends..."

Also, today I suddenly have some viscious diarrhea in addition. Not sure if it's from the medication or what. I knew a girl in New York who used to say, "I'm one flu away from my ideal weight." So true - I only lost the final 5 pounds after having Cash when I got a nasty bout of food poisoning. Well, I'm about 5 flus (flues? floosies?) away from my ideal weight, but here's hoping we can get that down to like, three.

Unfortunately Ryan was away on overnight call again. And don't worry - I know you all wish you were here to help. I wish you were too. :)


Mumsy said...


I'm so sorry. I know last time was miserable, too. Your "why can't we be friends" thought totally made me laugh. I'm so dreading the first 4 months of breastfeeding this next little baby...

Tennille said...

Ugh. Mastitis is the worst. I've only been close to it (badly clogged ducts and suspicious red spots) and that was definitely enough for me. Get better soon!

Anne Marie said...

There should be some rule that a mama with twins plus a toddler cannot have anything extra go wrong in her life. That is insane! Hope you get feeling better pronto.

steveandjonelle said...

Mastitis is trouble. I have had it twice and both times I have had chills, weakness, high fever, pain. I have the reverse problem though, I produce too much milk. Seriously, I could supply a small nation with the amount of milk I produce.

Spar-Mar Girl said...

I love reading your blog-you always put things exactly how they are, poop and all! I hear you on the mastitis too. Definitely not fun.

Here's to hoping for a fast boob recovery! (but only after the 5 pounds are gone, hehe)