Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hiking the Y and Halloween

Hey, I waited so long to post this (from last year!) that it's in season again!  :)

Excited to have such gorgeous fall days, we set out one morning to hike Y mountain with the boys.  We doubted their ability and thought it would just be a lot of whining, but they did great and it was really fun.

Alright, well this one didn't exactly climb up by himself.

Kindergarten field trip out in the pumpkin patch.

Probably about 5 seconds after they got home from their field trip when they were so "not tired."  

Halloween school parades and class parties.

I loved the teachers/principal costumes for Halloween:

Visiting dad at the office:

Our confused 2 year old costume...

Trick-or-treating downtown Provo with cousins. 

We had a Halloween party at our house, and can I just say how lucky I am to have found a couple of really great families to hang out with here?  I think I stalked them for a bit when I heard they both had 4 and 5 boys - and their boys lined up exactly with the ages of mine and had the same teachers. AND happen to be just nice, good kids.  Lucky for me they took us in as friends.  :)

Guess that's when the built-in table for 12 comes in handy.  

A successful Halloween season.

1 comment:

  1. How could I have missed this for 11 days? Fun post! Busy time -- and here it is once again! Such fun. xoxo
