Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lookin' good

First, does anyone else have a problem using Blogger with Firefox as their web browser? I use Chrome, but when I post it and then view in Firefox, half the pictures are missing. So if you care about seeing my pictures, I guess use Chrome or Internet Explorer as your web browser. I'm too lazy to fix it otherwise.

How cute are these two?  They were so matchy after church one day I couldn't resist some pictures. And then couldn't pick just one favorite.

Every time our kids are born, people say, "Oh, he looks just like Ryan!"  This time they say, "Oh, now this one really looks like Ryan." 




And the frequent view we get as the baby comes in for attack:

The little guy is finally crawling. Such exciting freedom.  I'm pretty sure he's eaten something by now that he shouldn't have, but I really only have so much control in this house....

And while not quite as cute, I guess we're not too bad either, on occasion.


  1. Very cute pics. You look great. And I didn't tell you thanks for the Christmas card; you all look so good and happy!

  2. hey i use blogger and firefox and see all your pics all the time just fyi. cant wait to watch diesel next week. thanks for the opportunity

  3. So, so precious! Loved all the photos and the dress!


  4. So darn cute!!! FWIW, the twins look exactly like you.

  5. Diesel is SO stinkin' cute I just want to squeeze his cheeks! Loved your Christmas card by the way! And you Jen, you always look beautiful. Pregnant with your 4th and you were still lookin' good! Not nice Jen.

  6. Diesel is so adorable! We have to hook our kids up in the future.

  7. I cannot get over how cute Diesel is! Really really beautiful child!
