Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween is so last month

But whatever. We've been to Disneyworld and had strep throat since then so late will have to do.

Ryan and the baby and I were a trio:

Did you guess?  A lion, a witch, and a wardrobe. (The green face was a last-minute idea I thought the kids would like or we might have gone theWizard of Oz route.)  When I came out dressed to go Ryan looked me over and asked jokingly, "What happened to a sexy witch?" (since that's the take on every costume in Miami).  "Yeah," I said, "Cause this is definitely not it."  And while I did make for a really ugly witch, Ryan was sure the cutest little wardrobe out there.  (I sort of gave him an ultimatum that he dress up this year or else....)  I did get multiple compliments on my wig, however. (Which sadly, was just my own hair and took all of about 2 minutes to get that way.)

If you can differentiate from the messy table we have - Pirate/Captain Jack Sparrow (Ashton); Bumblebee Transformer (Phoenix); and Spiderman (Cash):

Frankly the baby didn't seem all too smitten with Halloween for the most part.

I think we managed to capture probably the one smile on camera.

Ashton at the bean bag toss at the ward party: 

We stopped in at Ryan's work:

And I even managed to throw in another Halloween party.

Cute pin-the-nose-on-the-pumpkin that Betsey brought:

Raising their hands for who wants to eat ghost poop  :)

And alright, while this looks like we're doing a seance or something, I actually included a new little activity this time on my homemade light table that was pretty fun.  We used witches wands (glow sticks) to make magic bubbling witches potions (vinegar + food coloring + baking soda).  They actually really liked it.

I even had a pretty good collection of Halloween lanterns I'd made by the end of the month:

And I made a plethora of spiders to hand out for the whole two trick-or-treaters that came to our door.

But let's be honest here. The reality of the season was I was a little Halloweened out by the time the 31st rolled around, the weather on Halloween was yucky, trick-or-treating here was lame (the boys went for like an hour and only found 4 houses giving out candy), the baby hated his lion grass:

Captain Jack hated his hair -

it took bribery and possibly a few threats to get him to wear it,  it was so much effort getting everyone ready I remembered why I've never dressed up myself before, it rained during the ward trunk-or-treat and the kids had to fight a madhouse of teenagers to get some candy inside the over-crowded building, I had to walk around our building planting candy on people so our kids could flippin trick-or-treat on Halloween, and we didn't get any cute Halloween-setting pictures in costumes (the baby's costume is still sitting out waiting to be put back on for a cute photo shoot. Should probably just scratch that idea at this point).  

Oh well, I still have good memories.  And now can move on to some real holidays.  Like my birthday.


  1. Your costumes were all wonderful! I especially liked Ashton's with his long braids. I had never seen his costume before (but did see the others while there). You were all wonderful!


  2. Cute, cute pics! Halloween is a great holiday, but I'm glad when it's over, too. You did a ton!

  3. Those pictures are awesome! Love them! WOW! What creativity! How fun! Made my day!


  4. Where did you find that box for Ryan! Incredible!


  5. Ryan, I like your drawers!


  6. what a great month jen. thanks so much for the halloween festivities can i come next year?

  7. Great post! I laughed out loud all the way through it. You were a much sexier witch that I could have been, ha. Loved the lion, witch, wardrobe. I can't BELIEVE how all-out you went for Halloween. You deserve an award.

  8. Jen, you are too clever! You are a beautiful witch! I love the frizzy hair. I can't tell you how many hooched out moms with 5 year olds in tow I saw on Lincoln Road on Halloween night.

  9. I love the costumes but am more impressed that you can wear flip flops on Halloween! Halloween was actually cancelled here because of the huge snowstorm and most of the town being without power, schools cancelled, etc. The town moved it to November 5th. Not quite the same.
