Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Random thoughts

Last night as we walked in from the parking garage to our building, we saw our neighbor at the garbage chute - in high heels, a strapless mini-dress...and an apron.  Ryan and I exchanged amused glances and as soon as the door was shut, the exact same thoughts came out:  "Jealous?" I asked at the same time he said, "How come I get the shaft?" There are multiple thoughts on this - first, who on earth cooks dinner in strappy high heels?? Second, I know this woman is married, so it's not like she putting on a show for some suitor. Third, this woman is definitely in her 40s or maybe 50s, so is it possible she has been doing this every night for 20 years?? Fourth, stop giving my husband crazy notions that this kind of behavior is normal.

Next disconnected thought. The other night as I printed off the 33 pages of homework for the week (yay for going green!!!) I realized I was glad I wasn't the parents of the triplets in Cash's class.  100 pages of Kindergarten homework to print every week?  It's ridiculous enough for one child.  (Mind you, this isn't including the mathbook, the 30 minutes of reading a night, or the educational websites they're supposed to work on every day....)

My mom just came in town. I gave her the true Miami experience today as we went to a dollar store in Hialeah. You know we're on the wrong side of town when at the light before we turned into the parking lot, some guy rolls down his window to ask if we were lost.  That corner alone boasted 2 dollar stores, 2 flea markets and a Salvation Army. Charming little neighborhood.

I think I was discussing my feelings on all the red tape you have to go through to get your kid from school here with Ryan and then realized, "Well, I guess I shouldn't expect any less since even the deodorant in Miami is under lock and key."  I kid you not. I have to hunt down employees at CVS just to buy my husband some dang deodorant around here.

The end.


  1. You mean you don't cook dinner in strapy sandals and sexy dresses? What kind of wife are you?

  2. at first i thought the neighbor was going to be the college aged girl that keeps her door open like she thinks she moved into a dorm. so glad geoff didnt see that. we will all tell ourselves it was her anniversary right? what kinda deodorant does ryan wear?

  3. I still can't believe Cash has that much homework each night. Savannah comes home with 1 worksheet and one book to read per night. Except for Friday when she only has a book. And that is for First Grade.
    So either we are way behind or his school is a little crazy!

  4. I love these real-life Miami posts. And my posts are on my blog, but in date order (for my blog book), so most people won't notice them unless they are subscribed through a reader. Nor will they all care about all my pregnancy experiences. I did announce #3 a few days ago on my blog...good times!

  5. I just can't figure out the high heel lady... how odd! Maybe it was her husband's birthday and that was what he asked for... Or maybe it was a social experiment! You're on candid camera.

  6. and we thought africa was weird. . .
