Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cutie face

I am seriously so in love with this stinkin' cute little guy.

We sure had a rough couple weeks with him being sick though (I think it may have actually been RSV). Anyhow, it was really lucky my mom was in town because this kid has been the neediest of all my kids when he's sick.  (At least that being a clone of his father thing is consistent.  :)  I seriously spent the large majority of a week and a half in his room holding him in the rocking chair for hours at a time so he would sleep.  I swear this kid thinks he's an only child or something.

Good thing that's over though because I really love this age! Here are a few pictures over the last few months to catch up.

This little guy is so in love with his brothers and gets so excited to see them or chase them around. Whenever we walk out in the hallway and he sees the boys all start running down the halls he gets so excited and starts flailing his arms and digging his heels into me while he's sitting on my hip like he's telling me to giddy-up.  He's starting to get some crazy wild curly hair.  I've never had to groom a child's hair so much, but this kid has such tight curl on the sides that he starts getting little poof balls that look Princess Leia buns if I don't try to tame it.  He's currently getting his 5th tooth, and he got the first 4 in a matter of about 2 weeks. He has even managed to chip his front tooth before it has even grown in (I have no idea how).  Awesome. He has such bad stranger anxiety I finally quit the gym since I got 3 minutes of working out every time I tried to take him. He just likes what he likes, and currently that is only 5 people in the world.  (And Grammy was at least finally tolerable by the end of 2 and a half weeks.) We affectionately call him the little prince since he is the only person in the family with their very own room, and his wants, needs and preferences pretty much run the household. I was really serious that this kid thinks he's an only child. 

He's so much fun to have around though.  We're already anxious for the next stage. Whenever Ryan sees busy little babies running around getting into everything he just shakes his head and says, "I don't want a one year-old!" (I keep reminding him at least it's not two one year-olds.) So we're enjoying the cuteness...and immobility, for as long as it lasts.


  1. hehehe. couple thoughts:
    1. i hope im one of the 5. i think as long as you are around i am
    2. i bet the busy 1 year old is someone i know. thanks for trading off. we sure love living near you.
    3. no wonder you love diesel so much- you did marry his clone.

  2. He is such a cutie..and I love that he looks like he belongs...but still has his own look!

  3. It was so fun to be there with all the boys and Jen and Ryan. Truly, it did take Diesel nearly 2 weeks to warm up to me, but toward the end he was all smiles. The photos do not do complete justice to the curls on the back of his head.


  4. Oh my goodness, he is so adorable! I just love his little cheeks! You have not posted nearly enough pictures on your blog of him, because I still had in my head that he was a baby baby. Absolutely gorgeous. What a lucky Mom you are!

  5. Oh My Gosh! That boy IS Ryan as a baby! Wow!

  6. Diesel is so flipp'n cute! I find it amazing how much I'm in love with Jax too. Even though he can be a real stink and I do feel like he thinks he is King Tut, I still melt when he smiles at me. By the way, at least your 10 month old isn't a slug who insists on not crawling and wants to be carried everywhere...oh ya, and he weighs as much as my 3 yr old.

  7. Catching up on some posts... That baby of yours is to-die-for CUTE!! Love the Halloween costumes! SO creative!! Good work Jen :)
