Saturday, September 3, 2011

More happy summer

I loved some of the every-day shots my mom took of the summer. It seems like when I had my camera out it was to try and get one great shot of the kids, but when I saw hers I was so happy that she had just captured what our summer was really like every day.

Although my picture-taking efforts did turn out some cute ones of everybody as well.

My cousins wedding reception made for a cute backdrop to try to get some pictures of the baby with everyone. And while he didn't always perform, there were still some cute shots!

Although the most winning photo of the whole summer had to go to Grammy:

I couldn't believe it.  I take hundreds of shots with my boys trying to get a decent one with everyone looking at the camera, no one picking their nose, no one holding toys up for the camera, pulling faces or throwing a tantrum... and it NEVER happens. My Christmas cards usually involve body parts and faces from about 17 different pictures being photoshopped together. So when I said, hey, sit here with the boys, and we got a perfect shot on the first try - and a picture I adore - it was nothing short of monumental.  Now that picture really sums up their summer. Just a natural, casual picture out in the front yard on a beautiful day with their Grammy.

It was the best.

(She deserves a good picture with them.  She put up with A LOT this summer.  And is still recovering.  :)


  1. What an awesome Grandma they have! And wow, yeah, you got a lot of great pictures! It's nice to have everyday shots of what life is like, but great to have good pictures of each kid, too, so you know they don't always have a finger up their nose. :)

  2. Your portraits of the individual children far surpass mine! I may have caught the everyday - you caught the portraits that are splendid!


  3. love, love, love these pictures!

  4. WHAT GREAT PICTURES! Can't wait to show my boys tomorrow morning!!! They will love seeing all these cute pictures of their cousins!!!!


  5. All the pictures are great , but why wouldn't they be with such beautiful people? Such wonderful memories !!!! AUNT lEJEUNE
